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our services /
executive coaching
printer friendly version

Overview ... It is almost impossible to find a world-class athlete who does not have a working relationship with a coach. Yet in business, the reverse seems to be the norm. Many Executives and Senior Leaders, with a deep commitment to independence and success, will choose to work through through challenges on their own, and in many cases, they will succeed. In some cases however, they will miss the mark, and in almost all cases, they could have gotten there faster - with greater perspective, insight, learning, and fulfillment.

It is in this spirit that we provide coaching services to Executives and Senior Leaders. We know the challenges facing leaders are large, and complex. The approaches that served a leader well in the past may be the exact ones that are holding them back in the future.

We assist leaders in uncovering their true leadership potential. We are a resource to them - providing feedback, assessment, perspective, ideas, and advice. We listen well, surfacing not only the symptoms but also the systemic forces that have created the problem. We provide challenge, and support. We test the assumptions of current business practices and support the creation of new approaches that will help leaders reach their true potential. We explore both professional challenges and any related personal or work-life balance issues that are impacting the leader.

Coaching Offerings ... Our standard coaching offering spans approximately 3 - 9 months as an initial offering and involves 8 personal meetings with the coach plus telephone and email contact.

Meeting One: Building the Coaching Relationship
This one hour introductory meeting provides the foundation for the ongoing work together. The coach and leader will share backgrounds, objectives, and decide if there is a fit between them. Presuming the answer is yes, they will then create a "coaching contract" outlining the issues to be explored, expectations, timelines and meeting dates.

Meetings Two - Seven: Coaching Work
Over a 2 - 3 month period the leader and coach will meet six times for approx. 2-3 hours each session. During these situations time will be spent;

Issue Identification - clarifying the problem, issue, or opportunity
Gaining Perspective - assessing the current situation, seeing it from different perspectives
Exploration - uncovering the dynamics, obstacles and complexities surrounding the issue
Generating Options - generating an inventory of potential options
Committed Choice - choosing a new path, providing reinforcements

Meeting Eight: Acknowledging Success
This one-hour meeting takes place approx. 2 months after the final coaching session. It allows the leader and coach to acknowledge and celebrate successes and explore any additional obstacles and options.

We also offer custom coaching services. Some leaders have a requirement for only one or two meetings with a coach; others are looking for a coaching relationship spanning more than eight meetings. We would be delighted to propose an offering to meet your unique needs.

Your Investment
Our standard coaching package is $6000 per leader. Quotes for custom coaching services can be provided upon request.



about us / our coaches

Our consultants and coaches all have practical experience working as line managers and senior leaders in small, medium, and large organizations.

They appreciate the challenges leaders face and the pressures of demanding stakeholders.

They have a proven track record of success and are committed to delivering value and living our organizational values.


Should you require any further information please contact:
Phil Mittertreiner
403 830-4442