our services /
team performance
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Organizational teams have the ability to produce results far in excess of traditional workgroups. They are a powerful way to deliver organizational performance and enhance morale. Occasionally, amidst the constant pressure to deliver business results, a truly extraordinary team emerges and sets new standards of success. In general however, most teams, fall short of their potential. They tend to plateau and get stuck. For some teams the performance pressure is urgent – things must change immediately. More frequently, the team is performing well, but has not reached their upper performance limit. They are good, but how good can they be?

We recognize that one of the primary challenges of teams is to dynamically balance two interdependent, complementary, and sometimes opposing forces • Delivering Results (Value) and Enhancing Capacity •


Delivering value today means producing results that meet the needs of all key stakeholders. A team that does not deliver on this today may find itself without a job tomorrow.

Enhancing capacity means investing in skills, processes, relationships, strategies and/or infrastructure to position the team to deliver greater value tomorrow. To achieve sustainable success a team must make these investments, yet taking the time to do this risks compromising the results the team can deliver today.

This yin yang like tension creates both challenge and opportunity.

Our approach in working with teams is both unique and pragmatic. We assist teams in organizations by acting as performance coaches to the team. We focus on clarifying and solving a real business problem, or delivering on a real opportunity. While doing this, we assess the teams current and future capacity to deliver results. If they are deficient in any key area (skills, processes, relationships, strategies and/or infrastructure) we provide them with the coaching they need to bridge their gap. The end result is a more inspired, productive team - well positioned to meet today's and tomorrows challenges.


While most of our work is custom we have several
Team Performance Workshops
that can be tailored to meet a teams unique needs.

Our highly acclaimed
Team Energy Workshop

assists teams in developing the necessary management and leadership capabilities required to attain their goals.

Our high-energy
Insights™ Workshop

provides a framework and opportunity for teams to build self-awareness, identify strengths, value differences, resolve conflicts and optimize team performance

For more information on our Team Performance offerings, contact